Sunday, May 19, 2013


As I am typing this, I am in Kelana Jaya. To be more specific, I will be living with my uncle for the time being while I settle my disagreement with *asshole* in my college. While I am disappointed that Penang didn't work out, I am glad to be back in "familiar" territory. I guess I am trying my best to see the positives in everything...

By now I guess the whole college must have known about what happened in Penang. Apparently what happens there DOESN'T stay there. Nothing controversial ever stays between the parties responsible anymore; now in this day and age everyone loves a controversy or two. They need something to gossip about, talk about, point fingers at, bla bla... Well, not that I care about all that, because I openly admit I was wrong. So if I admit I am wrong, there's no need to be ashamed about anything. It is those who deny everything and maintain feign innocence who find themselves being embarrassed sooner or later... I don't have to mention names anymore. If you have read my blog posts recently you will get at who I am pointing at. But, no, controversy is not my thing.

See this? Yeah, you definitely will. Enlarge it if you must. The reason why I post this screenshot is to highlight the concern my friends have over this matter. Which also brings me to this: *asshole* is still denying any involvement in this whole episode.. See? I know that my anger is bad and I have to control it, but THIS attitude from *asshole* is exactly what made me angry that night. He still thinks he's innocent, that he "didn't do anything I just sit down there play my phone" (sic). It was precisely because of him PLAYING WITH HIS PHONE that I got irritated. Yes, I know that has been his "pattern" ("pattern" meaning that according to his own words, "I can play with my phone and listen to what you're saying".), but I was asking him something serious. *asshole* shouldn't have treated me with disrespect no matter what he has gone through. Anyway, whatever that has been said and done cannot be undone, so I understand where he is coming from. *asshole* is understandably upset over losing his job, that's why he is pouring out his feelings on Facebook. Hardly classy, but hey, it's advantage to him, so if he has gotten all the sympathies when playing his sympathy card, kudos to *asshole*.

I just want to enjoy my Sunday, then focus on the job at hand on Monday, which is to head down to Cilantro Culinary Academy to discuss with Chef Bernard about what is the next course of action to take. I am confident that despite my incident there Chef Bernard will pardon me and allow me to stay on in Cilantro to continue my diploma course and most importantly take both the C&G theory and practical examinations. I strongly believe that I will be treated better than *asshole* and his parents, who I believe "broke protocol" by going straight to see the hotel's training manager and demanding that I write a letter absolving *asshole* of all blame, and then with that letter *asshole* can be reinstated into the hotel. By right, Chef Bernard told my mom that they should not have done what they did. They should have called Chef Bernard or gone to see him personally...

 ...but I don't care about what happens to him anymore.

I don't care about what happens to the *asshole* or his parents, because I am only concerned for my own future. If he cannot just accept some blame for this incident and move on then I think he can go do whatever he wants. I tried to advise him to come back and see Chef Bernard with me, but he has since given me the silent treatment. So, whatever man. I don't care anymore. He wants to think that he's innocent, then I am sorry; I won't be entertaining this clown.

MUDDAFAKKING HECK. What a terrible thing for me to have to read on Facebook. I thought there won't be anymore of these "subliminal" statuses aimed at me anymore, but they are, all aimed at me without mentioning my name.

HOW CLASSY, *asshole no.2*...

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