Sunday, March 11, 2012

many problems, no solutions

Worry. Yes yes, I do that. A LOT.
Sometimes I wonder...why do some people have ALL the good stuff? Why do some people act like idiots, yet still have people who talk to them normally, or find them funny, but when I unintentionally commit such acts people immediately shun me, or don't treat me the same way they do to certain people...
I also have the right to live on this earth, to do silly things sometimes, to be serious, to be who I am. So why is it that whenever I want to be who I am people take offence and think I am proud, rude, or ALL things negative??? What have I done to deserve such damnation? I AM WHO I AM, so if you don't like what you see...too bad. I don't live on this earth to please anyone, not my family, nor my friends. I just want to be who I am. Furthermore, I see my friends (or acquaintances) doing what they like, behaving the way they want, and they DON'T get ridiculed or chastised for what they are or what they do. One more gripe: It doesn't help that whenever I am happy, or whenever I think that I might be comfortable around someone or for the matter the act of almost being completely comfortable doing something I like, SOMEONE or SOMETHING just has to go burst my 'optimism bubble' and make me afraid to be happy again.
GIRLS: I have no luck with. Nada. Zilch. Nix. Whenever I go out in a group that includes guys and girls that I know, they rather talk to the other guys than me. In the end, I just end up as a 'calefare'; and extra who is a misfit. Out Of Place. Always awkward. Try hard to be sociable, end up falling hard too. I want to be friends with girls, but they somehow or rather choose to shun me. I don't stalk, or do anything perverted to them, so why do this to me? Out of the blue, for no reason, they will just ignore me. Ohhh...I just want for us to be close friends and just have a normal relationship...what's so hard? It just makes me disgusted to think I could ever get a girlfriend... Whenever I go out with any girls I just met they won't be interested in what I have to say, or about me. Call me negative, but I feel that other guys are so much better than me. At this rate I'm going I might as well just close myself off from this world and also just be a bachelor... Life's not kind to me anymore. I have to live everyday with people whom I can't get along with, live far away from my family, live with a terrible skin disease that doesn't seem to go away...the list goes on and on...
I cannot confide in anyone about my problems. People will end up thinking I'm the kind of guy who is looking for self-pity, or the kind of guy who's problematic, or the kind of guy who just randomly rants about all injustices of life. I know, life's never fair, and it won't ever be fair. All I can do is just be forever alone, confiding in no one, and pouring out my troubles here on my blog. That's a pretty sad and pathetic life I have, to be honest. Got to sleep now. Tired of the day, tired of worrying too much...

Maybe, just will be kind to me... I hope things will improve for me fast...

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