Thursday, May 26, 2011

holidays? aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!

top o' the morning, peeps!
today is the beginning of the two week holidays. yay! *NOT!*
truth is, i actually woke up about an hour ago, and that's not a good thing. thank goodness my dad didn't scold me or anything. ha!
i just had brekkie, and i ate one of my favourite (comfort, too?) foods: 'slushie' Chipsmore cookies left to 'melt' in cold white milk. happiness.

here it is. i may look gooey and gross, but believe me, it is really 'derisherous'! XD

anything chocolately will do for me. hahahhahahahahaha.
hmm. i hate these kinds of holidays. even just one day of public holidays i can't take it.
why? because it is either work or nothing at all. no fun. no going out with friends.
not even for a drink or something. pissy.
frankly, i haven't even drawn up a list of things that i plan to do during this hols. maybe i should start think up things to do. (seeing that i have nothing much to do now anyways)

toodles! (signed off, A HOLIDAY HATER)

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