Saturday, February 4, 2012

if in doubt, get out

Funny thing, this. Today I totally had NOTHING to do at home, and so this thought came to me: I just realized that I had been 'quite' positive this week. Nothing strange about that, you say...but to me it makes a lot of difference. Usually, I would moan and whine about something that doesn't go my way, but this week I seem pretty content about the way events have unfolded in my life. To me this is an achievement. Turning negative thoughts to positive. Wow...never thought this would even be possible. Haha!

*on a separate note* I was supposed to go back to JB for a 'surprise' visit (seeing that Tuesday is a public holiday), but backed out in the end, for various reasons. TOTALLY sucks to 'FFK' yourself (if you can call it that)! Hahahaha... Totally bored stiff here in Subang... Alone...... ><

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