Wednesday, July 6, 2011

misunderstood. again

as i'm typing all this now i have just 'recovered' from a very unhealthy session of anger. had a talk with my bestest friend in school, Teacher Benny, and now i'm feeling much better. i thank God that He has brought T.Benny into my life to be my teacher, friend, and also a confidante.

what was i upset about? well, i'll just put it this way: i had been misunderstood. AGAIN. strangely enough, ever since i joined this school, i have been (more or less) misunderstood at some point in time. whether it was by the former students, or the current new ones, it never fails to get off my back. some people say they can't get "the monkey off their back" to describe a certain problem dogging them, but in my case it is more like "the monkey not being able to get the monkey off his back"! ha ha.

after talking with T. Benny, i realized that some people will never appreciate something good done by their friends for them until they realize it when it's all to late. i feel that way right now. i feel that, despite me trying to comfort, support, encourage, and motivate my fellow schoolmates in school, i just end up being misunderstood. so what to do, i ask? for me, i've found my answer: JUST BE MYSELF. i am who i am, and if you don't like it, then it's just TOO bad. as long as i know that i'm doing the right thing, the haters can backbite all they want, yet i won't succumb to criticisms and negative talk. BUT FRET NOT! i'll still be here for those who believe and have complete trust and faith in me. i'll continue to dish out advice and encourage. :)

there, i feel much better letting it all out. now, time for me to go get a bite to eat, 'coz i'm HUNGRY! gahh...! :P

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