Saturday, February 2, 2013

it's February!

WOW! it's February already! how fast! heehee... can't wait for CNY. that will mean i can finally go home to JB for the first time in two months. yes, TWO months. longest i've stayed in Subang without going back... SO looking forward to going back to see my family and my two darling puppies! yippee! =]

anyway, i got an email from my aunt, and it contained an inspirational passage written by Lee Wei Ling (Lee Kuan Yew's daughter). here's the excerpt that stood out among the others:
"When the end approaches and we look back on our lives, will we regret the latest mobile phone or luxury car that we did not acquire? Or would we prefer to die at peace with ourselves, knowing that we have lived lives filled with love, friendship and goodwill, that we have helped some of our fellow voyagers along the way and that we have tried our best to leave this world a slightly better place than how we found it?"

- Lee Wei Ling

consider...think about it...

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